The D.T.N. Williamson Amp.
downloaded from http://www.xs4all/~ideas/amps
Introduction The Williamson amplifier is a design
by the British engineer D. T. N. Williamson and was first published in
the spring off 1947 in "Wireless World". Williamson was employed
by "The M.O. Valve Company" (later with Ferranti ) as an engineer.
The M.O. Valve Comp. was one of the constructors of the famous KT66 tube.
The amplifier Williamson designed employed a pair of those tetrodes connected
as triodes in a push-pull class A configuration and had a max. output power
of aprox. 16 Watt. What made this design famous was its very low distortion.
After war Europe had other things to do at that time and High Fidelity
seemed a luxury. When the circuit design reached the mainland years later
constructors reacted disappointed because the circuit was so simple. The
high quality was the mere fruit of careful design and a very complicated
outputtransformer. After a short period of popularity may constructors
turned to the so called "Ultra-Linear" amplifiers which were
invented a few years later. These gave more power with less tubes and seemed
to have the same sound quality as the Williamson design at that time. We
must consider that parts for tube amplifiers were very expensive at that
time. A good outputtransformer for the Williamson Amplifier would cost
a weeks wages or more and one must not be surprised that constructors would
carefully compare every design in the financial aspect rather then looking
at the last little bit of joy a triode class A amp. would bring.
Nowadays building tubeamps is a costly undertaking anyway and the reason
people do this is merely because of the last little bit of joy that can
be achieved when one looks carefully at every aspect of the amplifier,
never mind the extra tube or that rare transformer. When one doesn't need
an awful lot of output power the Williamson design is a construction one
must consider since it is sounding very good and at the low levels of listening
at home ( at night ) certainly better as comparable constructions of the
Ultra Linear type. When one however wants to build a tubeamp. on a very
tight budget one must be very patient and spend a year or so collecting
the parts, when ones main diet is vinyl one can better start by building
a good tubepre-amp. since that gives the greatest improvement for the money.
Is this amp still any good? Is it worth to build one? Are more recent circuits
not much better? Williamson designed his amp for mono reproduction with
a fairly high amount of negative feedback. That is ideal for mono. All
designs in that time were mono-amps. Later, when stereo was invented, they
just build two monoamps on the same chassis and claimed that it was a stereo
amp. Unfortunately stereo amps must sound roomy and it is just not good
enough to copy mono amps for stereo use. In most cases however decreasing
the amount of feedback makes an amp better for stereo use. The Williamson
design is still working perfectly with very little feedback because of
its careful design. Later commercial designs are often developed for maximum
power output with minimum parts.
It is often claimed that the ultra lineaer circuit gives the powerstage
the quality of a triode-connected powerstage without the disadvantages
of the triodes. In fact this is not really the case. The internal resistance
remains twice as high at the same level of negative feedback, the low power
distortion is much higher but it saves one tube since it is easier to drive.
The typical advantage of a triode-connected powerstage such as the Williamson
is the low internal resistance that provides with low negative feedback
enough damping for the loudspeakers. Striking results can be expected with
speakers that require not that much damping from the amp. such as transmissionlines.
Enclosures with the size of shoeboxes require in most cases a lot of damping
from the amp. The result of high negative feedback levels can be described
as the typical "Hear me sounding good and not forgetting any detail"
sound of many amps that makes listening tiring.
The Circuit
The picture at the top of this page shows the overall circuit of
the revised version as published in 1949 in "Wireless World"
and indeed it is simple! It consists of three stages, Note that the values
of C3 and C4 are the values from the "Ultra Linear Williamson"
that was published much later.
The input stage combined with the "concertina" phasesplitter
using tubes as 6SN7, 12AU7 orECC82.
The driver stage. In the original version a 6SN7 was used. For those who
are interested in the experiment: 12BH7 and 12AU7 or ECC82 .
The power stage using in the original version a pair of KT66 that was impossible
to obtain. Rumors are that it is in the Far East in production again. Alternatively
try the latest version of "Sovtek's" 6L6WXG or 5881 that are
capable of handling the dissipation. The slim 6L6GC versions that are in
fact 6L6GB wont handle the current! The EL34 or its US counterpart 6CA7
can also be used. American constructors tend to prefer the foreign EL34
and the Europeans vice versa.
More important then looking at the three individual stages that are quite
simple is the fact that those stages together make the amplifier that became
famous! Designers took ample efforts to compose an amplifier out of succeeding
stages so that the distortion in one stage reduced distortion in the next
stage. That is why some circuits became classics!
Every change in the circuit can turn a masterpiece into a disaster if you
don't know what you are doing. On paper is exchanging the 6SN7 for the
more modern 12AU7 modest surgery. In reality you increase the bandwidth
of the phasesplitter because the capacitve load of the 12AU7 on the phasesplitter
is only half. This alone can cause instability!
The main reason the Williamson amplifier became famous was the output transformer.
This was a piece of workmanship that was not seen before. Williamson had
calculated that its bandwidth should range straight from 2Hz to 60.000Hz
(being the third harmonic of 20.000Hz.)! Only the best transformer possible
would allow the amp to operate stable with a strong negative feedback loop.
Nowadays it is a very common to design amplifiers so that they are straight
to 20kHz without feedback.
The Input stage
The input stage looks simple but was fairly new when presented by
Williamson. The easy to obtain 12AU7 does the job just as good as the 6SN7
when the current is adjusted by a somewhat increased R4. The absence of
an input capacitor means that the input signal must have no dc component.
Check that. On many amps an suppresser resistor is connected between R1
and the grid of V1a to avoid instability (Typical value 10K) when however
stability is not a problem such a suppresser should be avoided. R4 is not
partially decoupled by a capacitor like in other amps and enjoys a lot
of current feedback through R4 and as a result not much amplification (aprox.12X
without the feedback loop but very low distortion.) On the plate side of
the tube there is the direct connection to the grid of V1b which dictates
the tensions and currents of the latter. C10 and R26 play an important
role in controlling the supersonic characteristics and are discussed in
the feedback loop section. V1b is connected as a cathodefollower because
of the unusual high value of R5 it has full current feedback and therefore
no amplification, no distortion and hardly any grid/plate capacitance.
A cathode follower could better be called a grid follower since the cathode
follows the grid as long there is any positive tension on the plate side.
The voltage swing on the plate side of the tube is the mirror image of
that gallant knight of the grid, the cathode since R5 and R7 are twins.
That means as long as capacitance plays no role. The true fact is that
the impedance on the cathode side of the phase splitter is only 1kOhms
and on the plate side it is 22kOhms, which is still very low! Around 100k
cycles ( depending on the grid/plate capacity of the following tube ) the
output on the plate starts to drop.
Unfortunately all phase-splitters have their disadvantages. Some engineers
suggest that a 22K resistor on the cathode side is a good idea, fortunately
the rest of the circuit can cope with the imperfections of the phase splitter
in a very forgiving manner. At normal frequencies the phase splitter is,
unlike many other circuits, very symmetrical.
It is sometimes discussed that feeding the two tube systems in this stage
from two HT sources is wrong and can cause low frequency oscillation. Feed
them from one HT source is also wrong since the two systems are directly
coupled and must therefore be allowed to adjust themselves to their own
tensions and currents. Perhaps it is the best two allow the two tube systems
to adjust themselves to 320v by adjusting R4 and R6 slightly and then,
when voltages are identical, connect the hot sides of the two smoothing
caps. Remember that altering R25 may alter all the tensions and currents
in the circuit.
The Driver stage
The driver stage seems pretty uninteresting, tough at a second glance,
you may be tempted to think that decoupling R10 with a capacitor of say
100mfd is a good idea! Or maybe that cap is not there because of current
feedback? Two times no! This peculiar construction is the backbone of the
Williamson amplifier. There is no feedback through this resistor and amplification
will not be significantly increased by decoupling it. In fact there is
very little ac activity over this resistor and yet it decreases the distortion
in this circuit enormously
The two tube systems seem to correct their unlinearities and the shortcomings
of the previous stage. When you look at it any longer, this stage has some
similarities with the so called "long tailed pair" phase splitter.
Still it has its own short comings! One of them is the grid/plate capacitance
of the 6SN7. At an amplification rate of aprox. 12 to 14 thanks to the
Miller Effect it augments to 70pF on both inputs. 70pF on the cathode follower
output doesn't mean a lot but on the plate side of the phase splitter it
is significant.
Though this stage tends to correct this mistake it is worth considering
a tube with less grid/plate capacitance! The 12AU7 for example does the
same job at less then half the capacitance! But the question is then, "is
my Williamson still a Williamson?" On the output side of this circuit
the same problem arises, the Miller Effect of the output stage which is
as large ( or larger ) as at the input side but the output impedance of
this stage with R11 and R13 at 47kOhms it influence on the amplifier is
much more significant and makes it hardly possible to make the amp run
straight to 20.000cycles when no feedback is applied. Since
the input capacitance of a 12AU7 is less then half of a 6SN7 it seems a
good idea to double the tubes like in the drawing left, at the same time
reducing R11 and R13 by half ( think about their dissipation !) and enjoy
the double bandwidth ! The good news is, "It works!" This way
you can drive two pairs of power tubes, reducing the necessary plate to
plate impedance of the output transformer to 5000 Ohms, having twice the
output power and still be close to the original Williamson time constants
in the circuit. As long as you pay for the electrical energy it requires,
you have my blessing.
More of a in between solution seems the use of a 12BH7 for this stage,
reducing R11 and R13 to 33kOhms and adjusting the current through the circuit
by R10 to 8mA. This solution sounds best.
The Powersstage
The drawing below reassembles the power stage.
It works with better quality 6L6, 5881, El34 and KT66. It doesn't work
with cheap phony imitations which are made by the same companies as the
better ones that can often be recognized by their impressive vacuum envelopes.
It has as little parts as possible. R21 regulates the dc current and R17
the dc balance. It is in important that all components connected between
the grids 1 and the ground are first quality and checked thoroughly since
malfunction draws to tube (s) past its limits.To measure the current through
each tube, first check the dc resistance of each primary coils, then apply
Ohm's law to calculate the tension needed over these coils for correct
adjustment. For the resistors in the cathode circuit, take types that can
handle 4 or 5 watts! The drawing below shows why a plate to plate impedance
is your best choice.
It also shows that if your speaker impedance is low, decoupling the cathode
circuit with a capacitor of 100 mfd is a good idea at parties! These lines
are drawn for a pair of EL34 but the constructor of those tubes made an
effort making the tube interchangeable with the KT66 and friends. The resistance
to the cathode must be chosen a bit lower, round 235 Ohms. For EL34 change
R16 and R18 to 47 Ohms, R23 and R24 can also be decreased to 47 Ohms with
the EL34 but that doesn't make that much difference. Leaving those resistors
out however causes the tubes to oscillate at RF. Note that the base connections
of the EL34 have a separate connection for grid 3 where the KT66 and friends
have a non connected (NC) connection.
The good thing about a decoupling capacitor that is not there is that you
can't hear it!
The Negative Feedback Loop
The amount of overall feedback depends on the value of one resistor
and determines almost all the amplifiers characteristics. This resistor
has the shirt number 25. The amplifier is born without this resistor and
may function very good without it tough bass reproduction may be far from
ideal and some distortion and hum may be heard. Most engineers talk about
feedback in decibels. The authors found it more practical to speak about
the amount of times it reduces the sensitivity of the amplifier. In the
initial sensitivity of the amplifier without feedback is 200mV and after
applying feedback it is reduced to 600mV the feedback is factor 3. Williamson
specifies 20dB feedback which means nothing else as 10 times.
The famous number 25 resistor returns the signal from the output of the
amp to the input where it is compared with the input signal by subtraction.
Any part of a signal that wasn't in the input is immediately corrected.
By applying negative feedback the input stage has a reservoir of amplification
it can draw from if anything goes wrong.
The factor of feedback determines how big that reservoir is and how much
we allow the amplifier to correct things. We must not forget that the system
has no build in intelligence and it will also try to correct things that
cannot be corrected causing even more distortion. Apart from reducing sensitivity,
it reduces distortion, increases the damping factor and widens the bandwidth
of the amplifier.
It does all these things in more or less the same ratio as it reduces sensitivity
. Sensitivity however is the easiest thing to measure! If you start experiment
with feedback, make it a habit to measure always at the same frequency
and to the same outputlevel. ( 400cycles and 3volt output are my favorites)
Well if feedback is such a good thing, why not tons of it? Because all
that correcting makes the amp nervous. Its is better to leave it to do
its job at some extend the way it wants to do it. That sounds better. The
10 times Williamson used is in my humble opinion way to much.
A feedback factor of 3 ( or about 10dB ) is more to my taste. Distortion
is low enough to be inaudible and the bandwidth sufficient. The only thing
at feedback levels this low that can cause problems is the damping factor
to the loudspeakers. Well, try any level of feedback by exchanging the
horrible number 25 resistor, try values between 5kOhms and 100kOhms. If
your amps starts oscillating at feedback factors under 20 stay away from
high feedback levels till you found out why. If you are measuring in your
shack with a dummy load resistor on the output, try every now and then
what happens if you remove the dummyload, leaving the output only connected
to the oscilloscope with some square waves fed in the amp.
If it starts oscillating when you remove the dummyload, chances are that
it also oscillates when it is connected to your loudspeakers since the
coils in your speakers have at an infinite frequency an infinite impedance,
just like your dummyload when you remove it. Experimenting with feedback
means you also have to keep a constant eye on the capacitor with the shirtnumber
10. Its value mentioned in the original circuit is only the correct value
when everything including the output transformer are the same Williamson
used! To adjust it to your amplifier, apply square waves to the input at
10Kcycles and adjust the value of C10 till your waves are almost square.
A little overshoot may remain. If you alter the amount of feedback you
must check C10 again. Some amplifiers have a kind of C10 like capacitor
parallel to R25 with the same purpose, adjusting the square waves. ( In
fact adjusting the phase shift ) Some other have both. If you want to spend
a few years or so in your shack finding a way to make such a construction
stable please do so! E-mail me sometime!
The Output transformer
The output
transformer Williamson proposed was a bulky one. Its core was equal to
the DIN E-I 150 that is used nowadays. The core is 150mm High (6'') and
with the copper weighted 6kg. (13lbs). The core material was at that time
a premium quality but to modern standards it is only standard grade. The
reason Williamson used such a core was that he wanted to reach an initial
inductance of 100H and a max. inductance of 600H. This can only be reached
with a enormous core and 4400 turns with a standard grade core. To keep
the leakage inductance within acceptable margins the primary is divided
in two mirror-identical sections that are each divided in 5 sections of
4 layers of 88 turns of 0.3mm copper. In between those 5 primary sections
are 4 secondary sections consisting of 2 layers of 44 turns of 1.2mm. (
1''=25mm). All layer are insulated with 0.05mm paper and all sections are
interleaved with 0.4mm insulating linen tape.
The drawing gives an impression of how things are connected.All primary
coils are in series and the secondary can be connected in series and parallel
thus giving the loudspeaker impedance's of 1.7, 6.8 and 15.2 Ohms. This
transformer works! For those who want to try it themselves to make such
a transformer the author found out that it is not entirely impossible with
a winding machine. The most important feature of such a machine is a reliable
mechanical counter. The transformer, although it is very good is somewhat
out of time. The dimensions are not very practical, the copper losses in
the primary are with 250 Ohms between the plates somewhat high and a leakage
induction with 30mH somewhat high and last but not least, the output impedance's
are impractical. And yet, the author has a pair of transformers that are
wound exactly to the Williamson specs, it sounds wonderful.
The first thing you must know about output transformers is that the square
root of the impedance ratio in the turn ratio. (the quadrate of the turn
ratio is….) The second thing, leakage inductance can easily be measured
with a LCR meter. Short the secondary and measure the inductance that is
left over in the primary. Don't be surprised when it in much lower as 30mH.
The author reached values as low as 3.8 mH. The selfinductance of the entire
transformer is not so easy to measure since it depends on the excitation
of the iron core. Therefore it is more practical to measure the initial
selfinductance at 5 volts. If one connects the primary to a 5 V ac supply
with a ammeter in series one must measure less then 100microamps for an
acceptable transformer. Since the quality of core material has improved
enormously over the years it is not impossible to use a smaller core of
grain oriented material with somewhat less turns and still reach a higher
primary inductance.
Although it is possible to calculate everything of a transformer it is
hard to say how a transformer performs once it is wound. The best guaranty
that a do it yourself transformer works is sticking to the original Williamson
design and diminish the diameter so that you reach a turn ratio of 35 when
the entire secondary is connected in two parallel sections that are put
in series. You can also develop a transformer yourself and make use of
the modern materials. Be prepared for dozens of transformers that look
nice on paper but for reasons that will remain unknown (till you are wiser)
don't sound any good. Reject the transformers that don't sound at all and
improve the ones that seem better. It is learning the hard way as the author
The author has after years finally developed a transformer that is better
then the original Williamson on a E-I 130B core of grain oriented material.
It has sectional windings, has a leakage inductance of 8mH, 120 Ohms dc
between the plates, 0.14 Ohm dc secondary and has a secondary impedance
of 8 Ohms to a primary of 9000 Ohms. It has connections for ultra linear
use with other constructions. Its still weighs 5Kg (11lbs). The author
has not decided yet to produce it himself or to license a workshop to do
it. If coming winter brings nice weather for indoor jobs some extra examples
for evaluation may be produced! For information on this subject please
mail mentioning OPT as subject.
The Power Supply
The power supply is as important as the rest of the amplifier since
it supplies the power you are listening to. If the power is bad, the sound
is bad. There are people who insist to build the power supply the same
way Williamson did because it sounds better they say. If audible at all,
it is a matter of taste. The supply with a rectifier tube has a higher
inner resistance since the power transformers that are made to work with
rectifier tubes are made with a fairly high dc resistance in the copper
of the secondary because the specs of the rectifier tubes clearly states
they expect that resistance in the order of 100 Ohms in order to survive.
Transformers made for solid state rectifiers have a dc resistance in the
secondary as low as 2 or 3 Ohms. It is not impossible this difference in
dc resistance results in the difference in sound reproduction that some
claim to hear. So if you use solid state, try some resistance in the positive
lead especially if the plate voltage is a bit high. The 450volts Williamson
uses is a bit to high for electrolyte caps that are rated 450WV. 425 volts
is saver.
One must expect the mains voltage to swing 5% from the rated value! For
425v using a bridge rectifier you need a transformer the has a secondary
voltage of about 310v. Using a rectifier tube you may need two times 350v
to its plates. If one can afford an extra regulated power supply for the
input stage this is recommended! In a stereo amp two of those stages draw
only 19 mA. so a small extra transformer will do.
Chokes are rather difficult to get nowadays and when you can buy them in
specialized audio shops they are incredibly expensive as if those things
were something special. Fortunately you can make them yourself from ordinary
transformers with a E-I core lamination. Remove the lamination, put all
the coils in series ( watch the direction of the windings !) and replace
the core material so that the E 's are on one side and the I 's on the
other. Allow an airgap between the legs of the E 's an the I 's by putting
a thin strip of polyester in between. Test your choke with 50 or 60 cycles
from a mains transformer at the current you want to use it for and refine
it. Compare it with a choke that you know is good. Put it in a neat metal
enclosure to make it look expensive. In the Williamson design the reservoir
caps are rated only 8 mfd. Still he claims his amp to have a signal to
noise ratio of 100dB. In his days electrolytes were very expensive and
chokes are a great aid in smoothing H.T.!
Nowadays we rather buy a couple of 100mfd"s in reservoir and smoothing
caps. Replace any cap that you think is to small for any value you think
is better but remember that rectifier tubes don't like to see a capacity
over 32mfd! Some people will heat the tubes with ac others with dc. It
doesn't make that much difference. Williamson used ac and achieved the
aforementioned 100dB. If you use dc consider putting the heaters in series
for 12.6v, you need only half the current and the loss in the rectifier
is much less. In terms of ac you need aprox 10 volts. If you end up a little
higher then 12.6 ac, build in some resistance, this prolonques the live
of the heaters. The exact 6.3 or 12.6 volts at the rated mains voltage
is very important for the livecycle of the tubes. Since the cathode voltage
of the phase splitter tube is about 100 volts you may consider to superimpose
some 50 volts to the heater circuit to reduce the chances of a breakdown
of the tube. If you heat with ac this also reduces the heater hum since
the heater at this voltagelevel will not emit electrons. You can take the
50 volts from resistors between ground and HT that total some 200kOhms
that you need anyway to discharge the reservoir caps. Try 22K and 200K.
When wiring the heaters don't forget that the current becomes enormous
if you connect all the heaters in paralel. Especialy if you plan to use
the EL34 with 1,6amps heater current each!
Time Delay H.T. Switch
It is very
important to delay the high tension to come in if you want to save the
live of your electrolytic caps and the power tubes. There are many circuits
in the market, most of them using solid state. This is one with a tube.
It has the benefits of the memory of the heater of the tube. If the mains
is interrupted only for a sec or two, it switches h.t. on immediately.
If the tube is cold it takes as long as it takes to heat it up. I don't
know what you have in your junkbox so you have to experiment yourself on
the exact values. The resistor in the heater circuit mentioned below is
to make the tube heat up a little slower then the other tubes rather then
to lower the tension. If your power transformer has connections for fixed
bias that you don't use for that purpose try those for this purpose.
General Construction
If you are familiar with the construction of tube amps, please skip
this page! For those who are still there, a list of do's and don't 's:
Do make a metal chassis that is big and strong enough to last a century!
Do make a plan for the layout of all parts avoiding inputs and outputs
to "see" each other! Do take care take the cores of transformers
and chokes are not in the same direction. Do keep transformers away from
inputs and input circuits. Don't remove tubes from equipment that is in
use. Do make an earth bushbar, a thick copper wire following the circuit
picking up all the earth bound leads and connect it to the chassis at the
input. Do consider that you encounter problems when connecting a headphone
with a stereo headphone jack. Sometimes these problems are mere theoretical.
Do keep the leads in the grid circuit short. Don't use resistors below
1 watt. Do calculate the dissipation of each resistor in advance. Don't
use capacitors above their rated voltage. Don't expect old capacitor to
survive the voltage that is stamped on them. Do expect the circuit to explode
the first time you turn it on. Do expect the negative feedback loop to
be connected reversed the first time you turn your amp on causing severe
oscillation due to positive feedback. Do keep unshielded tubes / amps away
from children. Do save energy somewhere else in your life before you deserve
a tube amp. Do respect the energy that can be stored in electrolyte's.
Do discharge them with a resistor, not by short circuit. Do keep an eye
open for old equipment that is hardly used and has perfect parts e.g. silver
plated tube sockets in old army transmitters, as good as new tubes in tape
recorders on attics since tape recording soon became boring to most people.
Do use fuses, for powertransformers take slow blow fuses, do expect them
to blow every now and then and be rather save then sorry. Don't mix circuit
plans, choose one and stick to that one, e.g. don't try fixed bias with
a Williamson. Do have fun, be patient, if tired from constructing all day,
save testing to the next day after going over the construction once again.
Don't use multimeters with frequencies over 400 cycles or with strange
wave forms. Don't believe everything you read in the magazines on this
Test results
After building a number of transformers and amplifiers we tested these monsters. They sounded very good but some people like numbers and facts.
The transformers gave away the following facts: Leakage inductance is:
prim to sec: 8.3mH
½ prim to ½ prim 7.8mH
½ prim to sec 4.05mH
The starting inductance was over 100H at 5 volts, The maximum inductance is expected to be over 600H Core material was VM111-35 Din with Carlite insulation, EI 130B weighing 3.1Kg.
Impedance= 9000 to 8 ohms Winding is sectional with 6 primary coils interleaved by 5 secondary coils in each section. DC resistance over the total primary is between 120 and 130 ohms (varies with each roll of copperwire). DC resistance secondary is (calculated) 0.14 ohms.
With a generator with Ri=0 ohms the frequency response was flat from 7Hz to 100KHz, with a generator with Ri=2000 ohms freqencyresponce fell 3dB at 100KHz..
The amplifier we tested was equipped with the double driver stage as proposed in the driver stage chapter and a pair of EL34 in the powerstage. The overall feedback was 9.5 dB. The value of the capacitor C10 was 200pF. Frequency response feel 3dB at 95KHz. The square waves showed a risetime of 4 microseconds and an overshoot that lasted 4 microseconds. The overshoot ripple was 1/12 of the preceding rising line high. The rising line was very straight. The square wave at 40Hz was not so straight as the one of the "Conrad Johnson Premier 11A" but much better as many of the very expensive commercial constructions as the "Luxman 38S".
Harmonic distortion remained till 8 watt output power as low as 0.025% rising to 0.25% at 14watts. Clipping point was between 11 and 12 volts at 8 ohms as was to be expected.